

The animations and sprites turned out to be exactly how we imagined, and it was a fun learning experience working with sprites. We were able to replicate our envisioned game's main points, and include a few different types of enemies. We were successfully able to create 5 distinct levels with increasing level of difficulty. 


One of the biggest challenges we faced was working on the vertical levels of the game. Originally, we were inspired by Doodle Jump - we had bouncy platforms and the player can only move left or right. Unfortunately, we ran into many complications including issues getting rid of the past platforms.  Another issue was that sometimes the audios wouldn't work even though it was working previously. It was a bit strange, but we used older versions of the levels and added more features, and the audio was working again. 

What you learned

We learned how to collaborate using Unity, and a lot about sprites, animations, audios, and object interactions. We also learned about game design and realized how much planning goes in a game to make it work successfully. 

Future revisions

Future revisions include getting the original idea behind the vertical levels to work - bouncy platforms and deleting them once they're off the screen, adding enemy attacks, diverse audio, more complicated animations, and combining horizontal and vertical components of the levels to make a more difficult level. 

Get Jerry and Tom

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